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Monday, October 29, 2007

on how to take criticism

Every one of us have to learn from mother nature (weather.... it pays no attention to criticism ).

It strongly believes in what it does and it knows why it does......

Similarly when you know what you are doing and why you are doing, pay scant attention what all people think and say... coz there is a genre of people( which unfortunately is the most popular segment and wide spread community- may be the only competitor for Orkut !) which yapping is amongst the most favorite activities.. people of this class don understand what and how they themselves do things.. but seem to have a better understanding of the modus operandi of others...

What a fruitless pursuit!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

life and mind

Life is the most interesting journey anybody can traverse... the beauty of it being you get to make it the way you want it.. of course there is destiny but even there don we have an option as to how to shape our journey...