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Thursday, December 16, 2010


This being the exam season, I was solving a mock aptitude test. One of the questions was, 'Choose the word from the following options, that is closest in meaning to the word 'undecipherable.' I knew the answer even before going through the various options. Hence, this write up.

Disclaimer : All points below are based on first, second or third hand experiences of this writer throughout the course of the last 20 odd years. Any resemblance to those who are reading this is purely incidental.

Undecipherable it is:

* To have more than one 'best' friends.. ( How on earth is that possible?)

* To answer 'Shopping!!!' nine out of ten times when countered with the question 'What plans for the week end' ( I understand there are exceptions or exceptional women who do not fall under this category.)

* To be able to talk on the phone, type over chat, read something, while listening to music at the background. ( How do you people do this..? I would end up blowing up brains off..)

* To feel happy and even contended at times after spending few thousands in a shopping mall. ( Isn't this what we call 'The irony of life?')

* To think it is necessary to have at least a dozen pairs of footwear ( I am not counting those that are bought to be worn on special occasions.)

* To have funny animals (also called as dolls) on the bed and in the wardrobe.

* To have an exaggerated expression ( more than one at times) for everything and not ready to accept any lesser levels of human reaction from others.

* To think dogs, cats ( at times rats too) to be cute.

* To sob on looking at a scene in the movie theatre. ( It is after all a motion picture!)


Harini said...

Santhosh! You think women and their behavior are undecipherable?? Why don't you write a post about the undecipherable things that men do? There is going to be an equally long list! Crazy you! Go back to studying! :) I still can't decipher why you would think of women psychology while studying for an exam!

Agni said...

Doesn't undecipherable mean mystery and doesn't mystery mean adventure ;)
Not only for some of the reasons above, but also for many more I'm proud to be an 'undecipherable' <read mysterious, adventurous, exciting :D) Woman!!!

Santhosh Karnananda said...

Harini - Due respect to women and the crazy things they do.. Without them, this world will be a boring place.

And Agni, ya.. you are partially correct. ( for the same reason mentioned above.)

sashi said...

loved reading it! :)